Linda Gilliam – Photographer

My passion for photography started at a young age. The first photograph I remember taking was of my mother and father at the park when I was a child with an old Brownie camera.

Many things have changed since then in the field of photography. My love and passion
for the art of photography has grown into the small samples of what you see exhibited
here today.

Land, sky, water, light and weather all make for incredible opportunities to enjoy the natural surroundings and experience space in its most basic forms. These photographs capture those elements and are one of a kind – taken in a time and space never to be
repeated again.

My desire for this exhibit is to bring you a few moments of relaxation; to enjoy the beauty of our amazing world aside from the cares of the day. If it does that for you then I have attained my goal. Enjoy

All photographs are for sale. Profits from the show will be donated to the
Virginia Eye Institute Foundation.

For Sales or Exhibition Information
Please call 804-237-2774 or email me at

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(804) 287-4216
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(800) 348-2393
After Hours
(804) 257-5116
Fax Number
(804) 287-4210
Referring Provider
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