VEI building

Huguenot Bridge

Address & Hours of Operation

400 Westhampton Station
Richmond, VA 23226


Monday – Thursday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Fridays, 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Optical Shop

Monday – Thursday, 8:00 AM – 5:30 PM
Fridays, 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM

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General Directions

  • From the North

    From I-95 South take I-195 South. Take the Cary Street/Grove Avenue Exit, turning right onto Cary Street. Follow Cary Street 3 miles and turn left onto Westhampton Station immediately after passing a small shopping center and before crossing over the Huguenot Bridge. Turn right into Virginia Eye Institute. The first building on the left is the Surgery Center. Doctors’ offices and optical shop are located in the second building.

  • From the South

    From I-95 North take the Chippenham Parkway/VA-150 North exit. Take the Huguenot Road Exit, turning right onto Huguenot Road/VA-147. Cross over the Huguenot Bridge and take an immediate right onto Westhampton Station. Turn right into Virginia Eye Institute. The first building on the left is the Surgery Center. Doctors’ offices and optical shop are located in the second building

  • From the East

    From I-64 West take I-195 South. Take the Cary Street/Grove Avenue Exit, turning right onto Cary Street. Follow Cary Street 3 miles and turn left onto Westhampton Station immediately after passing a small shopping center and before crossing over the Huguenot Bridge. Turn right into Virginia Eye Institute. The first building on the left is the Surgery Center. Doctors’ offices and optical shop are located in the second building.

  • From the West

    From I-64 East take the Glenside Drive exit and follow to Three Chopt Road. Turn left onto Three Chopt Road and follow to the end. Turn right onto River Rd. Turn left onto Westhampton Station immediately after passing a small shopping center and before crossing over the Huguenot Bridge. Turn right into Virginia Eye Institute. The first building on the left is the Surgery Center. Doctors’ offices and optical shop are located in the second building.

Appts Richmond
(804) 287-4216
Richmond Toll Free
(800) 348-2393
After Hours
(804) 257-5116
Fax Number
(804) 287-4210
Referring Provider
(804) 287-4700
Referring Provider Fax
(804) 282-1967

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