Virginia Society of Ophthalmic Medical Personnel at VEI

Saturday, November 5, 2022 VSOMP held their Fall Meeting at VEI. For those of you who joined us, we are so thankful and hope you had as much fun as we did! It was held at the VEI Reynolds office and we had delicious food and a great line up of speakers:

Dr. Jessica Randolph (VCU) spoke on Retina and the Technician
Dr. Surbhi Bansal (VCU) spoke on Visual Fields
Jim Tsantles from Notal Vision spoke on Foresee Home device and Macular Degeneration
Rhonda Ullom, COMT spoke on Ergonomics in the Ophthalmology Office
Dr. Irfan Khan (VEI) spoke on Scleritis

For a day, the Reynolds waiting rooms in PODS 2 & 3 were transformed into a area of learning. You would not recognize it as the waiting room is usually is!

VSOMP has existed for 25+ years. A society dedicated to the continuing education of ophthalmic medical and allied health personnel. We hold meetings twice a year: one in spring/summer and one in late Fall. If there are things you would like to know more about feel free to reach out and we will try and find a speaker who will cover that!

Angela Sherwood, is our current president, and will be stepping down at the end of December.
Kristin McKeever, is our director, and works with sponsors as well as helping to organize speakers.
Emily Koth, is secretary and has been working to revamp our website.
Lea Anderlini, is treasurer.

If you are interested, or know of someone you would like to nominate for the VSOMP board please reach out to us on the website: where there will be more information posted. If you have not already, please sign up for our quarterly newsletter!

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(804) 287-4216
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(800) 348-2393
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(804) 287-4700
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